In this session, you will examine how children make sense of the operation of subtraction and develop strategies for solving subtraction problems. You will explore different contexts for subtraction problems; engage in mental math and consider various strategies for solving subtraction problems; learn about recording subtraction strategies on unmarked number lines; view video clips of students sharing their subtraction strategies and look at written student work.
In this session you will:
Please have the following available for this session:
50 multilink or Unifix cubes (two colors)
In grade four in Investigations, students formally study the U.S. Standard Algorithm for subtraction and compare it to the strategies they have been using. Teaching Note sidebars appear starting in grade two with suggestions for addressing the U.S. Standard Algorithm when students bring it up.
Students solve addition and subtraction story problems beginning in Kindergarten and continue this work throughout the grades. As students work on story problems, the focus is on students making sense of the action of different types of problems and developing strategies to solve them. You will begin by looking at how young students interpret and solve subtraction story problems.
Students are first introduced to story problems in Kindergarten and first grade. They mainly work on addition problems and on subtraction problems that are called “removal” problems. These problems involve removing, separating, taking away, losing, eating, etc. Later in first grade and throughout the rest of the Investigations curriculum, students will encounter two other types of subtraction situations – Comparing Two Amounts and Finding a Missing Part.
Take a look at the three problems in the VoiceThread below.
Having trouble viewing this voicethread? Click here.
When students are introduced to a problem they are asked to visualize what happened in the story, retell the story and think about the action in the story. The Story Problem Routine is introduced to help students visualize and model the action in the story problems.
The Story Problem Routine sequence is as follows:
Think about strategies a first grade student might use to solve this problem.
Max had 12 toy cars. His friend Rosa came over to play with him.
Max gave 4 of the cars to Rosa.
How many cars did Max have left?
Click on the headings below to see examples of strategies first grade students might use to solve the problem.
Students may use a variety of manipulatives to represent their strategy: pencils, cubes, fingers, etc.
Student use what they know about number relationships to take numbers apart and manipulate them. They also use their knowledge of the addition and subtraction operations.
Students who “count all” count three times to solve a subtraction problem. They count the total, count the amount they are subtracting, and then count to see what is left to find the answer.
When students count on or count back they start with a quantity and count on from that number. They do not need to construct the number from beginning by 1’s.
- Counting forward or backward (using cubes, on a number line, mentally or on their fingers)
- Uses knowledge of addition
- “I know 12 - 2 = 10. I need to take two more away 10 - 2 = 8, so 12 - 4 = 8”
The first grade class in the following video shares strategies to solve:
Libby had 10 goldfish crackers for snack.
She shared her snack with Jonah and gave him four.
The teacher asks the students to retell the story, they discuss the action in the story and then several students share their strategies.
Watch how the teacher first sets up the story problem expectations.
She then facilitates a discussion using the story problem routine.
Think of several moves the teacher made to help students work independently on story problems. Record your thoughts in your notebook.
How Are These Stories Different from How Many Do You Have (Grade K)
Three Approaches to Story Problems from Number Games and Crayon Puzzles
A Subtraction Story Aloud from Number Games and Crayon Puzzles (Grade 1)
A Subtraction Story from Counting, Coins and Combinations (Grade 2)
Notating Subtraction Strategies from Partner, Teams, and Paper Clips (Grade 2)
Order and Subtraction from Stickers, Number Strings, and Story Problems (Grade 2)
Subtraction Strategies from Landmarks and Large Numbers (Grade 4)
Types of Subtraction Situations from Collections and Travels (Grade 3)
Representing Subtraction on the Number Line from Landmarks and Large Numbers (Grade 4)
The readings above are all published in Russell, S.J.; Economopoulos, K.; Wittenberg, L.; et al. Investigations in Number, Data, and Space®, Second Edition. Glenview: Pearson, 2012.
In this activity you will look at strategies for solving subtraction problems with two-digit numbers. You will solve two problems mentally and use the number line as a tool for recording strategies.
35 – 16
Click on the show link to examine several subtraction strategies.
Use linking cubes or this online virtual manipulative to illustrate the action of each of the four strategies. If you use the online manipulative, here are some instructions:
Think about the first step and what follows.
92 - 58
The Teacher Note, Subtraction Strategies describes students’ most common subtraction strategies based on the first steps taken to solve a subtraction problem. Review the strategies in this Teacher Note.
Keep in mind, the unmarked number line is not a strategy, but rather a tool for representing strategies.
In the following examples, notice where the answer to the problem is on each of the number lines. Sometimes it is the total of the jumps you have made, while other times it is the place where you land on your final jump.
73 – 47
Think about how using an open number line supports your understanding of subtraction.
In this activity you will watch three different students solving a subtraction problem. Pay close attention to the students' approaches to solving the problems. You will apply those approaches to a new problem involving slightly larger numbers.
You will watch Lisa, a 2nd grade student, solving 40 – 26.
Reflect on the following questions in your notebook.
Use an open number line to record Lisa’s approach to solving 40 – 26.
About Lisa’s strategy.
Next you will watch Naillil (pronounced Ny-Jill) solve 40 - 26.
Record your responses in your notebook
Adding up is a very common student strategy. It involves an understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction and the use of landmark numbers. Adults often use this strategy to figure out the amount of change they are due. For example, if your bill is $26.00 and you give the cashier $40.00, (s)he might use Naillil’s strategy to count up from $26.00 to $40.00.
1,405 – 619
This video is of a 5th grade discussion of one student’s strategy. As you watch the students and teacher, think about how interpreting another person’s strategy helps students think flexibly.
How did the teacher use a student’s strategy of breaking 619 apart to highlight the use of landmark numbers to make the problem easier to solve? Respond in your notebook.
In addition to using a number line as a tool, students keep track of their strategies and notate them in a variety of ways. The following Teacher Notes illustrate how students might do this:
Notating Subtraction Strategies, from Partner, Teams, and Paper Clips (Grade 2)
Subtraction Strategies, from Landmarks and Large Numbers (Grade 4)
So far in this session you’ve been working with subtraction problems that involve two-digit numbers. Next you are going to look at some student work of students from grades four and five working with larger numbers.
Solve the following problem:
1,403 - 877 =
In this activity you will:
Set 1: 1,403 – 877
Focus question: Each of these students has used an adding up strategy. Notice how many jumps each student takes and what landmarks they choose to stop at.
What number relationships are they paying attention to as they determine their jumps? Record your responses in your Notebook.
Set 2: 621 - 319
Frannie’s family drives to a family reunion each summer. The reunion is always in a place that is 621 miles from Fannie’s house. On the first day, Frannie’s family drives 319 miles. How many more miles do they have to go until they get to the family reunion?
Focus question: Notice the various uses of the number line in these strategies.
Where in the representation do you find the answer to the problem?
Which students are subtracting back and which students are subtracting in parts? Record your responses in your Notebook.
Set 3: 621 - 319
Focus: Compare how the students break up 319 and how they use the parts 300, 10, and 9 in their strategies. Record your response in your Notebook.
Set 4: 621 - 319
Focus: Show each student’s strategy on a number line or use another representation; if there is an error, explain why. Record your response in your Notebook.
How do contexts and representations develop students’ understanding and flexibility for solving subtraction problems K-5?
Remember to post early and return to the discussion forum throughout the week to read and respond to others’ posts.
The content in this session is aligned to the following Common Core State Standards and Math Practices:
Subtraction strategies
MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively
MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically
MP6: Attend to precision
Understanding structure of 100 and 1000:
MP4: Model with mathematics
MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically
MP6: Attend to precision
You may also wish to review the full set of Common Core State Standards in Math and/or videos of the Math Practices enacted in Investigations.
This chart was created by Bill McCallum in an attempt to provide some higher order structure to the practice standards, just as the clusters and domains provide higher order structure to the content standards.
2.OA.1, 2
2.NBT.1ab, 2.NBT.5-9
Fill out the Session 2 Notebook Page to reflect on your own learning and record ideas that you want to remember and/or try with students.
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