In this session you will focus on naming and representing fractions, create representations for a given list of fractions, consider the fraction relationship between part and whole when the size of the whole varies, and consider how students connect the meaning of the numerator and the denominator to the representation.
Pattern Blocks (real or virtual)
Colored pencils
15 index cards (4” x 6” preferable)
Glue stick
Print the following:
Optional Online Resource:
Apps for iPad:
Students use a variety of materials to represent fractions across the grades. These representations are important references for students’ understanding of fractions and help students develop mental images of these numbers. They then can call upon these mental images when comparing and computing fractions.
Elementary students experience three different fraction representations. Click below to see examples of each.
Example 1: Fractions of an Area
Example 2: Fractions of a Set
Example 3: Fractions on a Number Line
Students need experiences where they explore fractions that are equivalent but not necessarily congruent. In this activity from Investigations students are given different shaped “crazy cakes” such as the one in Image A and asked to make one cut so two people can share the cake equally. They are asked to justify how they know each piece is the same size.
One way to cut Crazy Cakes into two equal parts is to cut horizontally so the pieces are a triangle and a square (see Image 2). I can prove the triangle and square pieces are equal. I know if I cut the triangle in half (Image 3) and rotated one of the smaller triangles so the two touch on their diagonal, it would make the square (Images 4 and 5).
Crazy Cake A
Find a way to cut the cakes in Crazy Cakes so that two people can share each one equally. Remember you can only make one cut.
Throughout this session, think about the following questions:
Talking About Fraction Flags from Parts of a Whole, Parts of a Group, Gr. 2
Visualizing Fraction Equivalencies from Fraction Cards and Decimal Squares Gr. 4
Dividing Crazy Cakes from Size, Shape and Symmetry Gr. 4
Keeping Track of the Whole from Fraction Cards and Decimal Squares Gr. 4
Are These Equal? from Fraction Cards and Decimal Squares Gr. 4
Visualizing Fractions and Percents from What’s That Portion? Gr. 5
Finding Thirds and Sixths on the Grids from What’s That Portion? Gr. 5
The readings above are all published in Russell, S.J.; Economopoulos, K.; Wittenberg, L.; et al. Investigations in Number, Data, and Space®, Second Edition. Glenview: Pearson, 2012.
In this activity, you will:
In fourth grade, students are expected to extend their understanding of fractional equivalencies. Visual fraction models help them understand how the number and the size of the parts differ, even though two fractions are the same size. For example, 1/2 = 2/4 = 4/8.
Students work with 4 x 6 rectangles.
What fraction of each of these rectangles are shaded?
Consider the following shaded rectangles. How do you know that 1/4 of each is shaded?
Some students' reasons are shown below.
NOTE: Students come to understand that the number on the bottom of a fraction shows the total number of pieces that make up the whole – the denominator. The number on the top shows how many of those pieces we are talking about – the numerator.
Use the Rectangles recording sheet to shade each of these fractions in a 4” x 6” rectangle and in a 5” x 12” rectangle.
2/3 2/6 2/12
Justify how you know that the region you shaded represents the fractions.
Record your response to the following questions in your notebook.
Working with same fractions and different wholes is important because it is at the heart of some complicated ideas of fractions. When represented on a number line, the number 2/3 always has the same relationship to 1 or to other numbers. However, the quantity represented by 2/3 depends on the size of the whole quantity. Two-thirds of a class of 24 students is 16. Whereas two-thirds of the fourth grade – 3 classes, equaling 60 students – is 40. Coordinating these two ideas about fractions and what they represent is complex. Students need time to develop this understanding further as they compare fractional parts.
In this activity, you will:
This work focuses on two ideas:
Colored pencils
20 index cards (4” x 6” preferable)
Glue stick
Fraction Squares (print and cut out)
In this activity you will make fraction cards. The whole for the fraction cards is this square. The squares are divided into different parts to help you make the cards: wholes, thirds and fifths.
Make the following fraction cards:
For each fraction:
In addition, write each of the following landmark numbers on a separate index card: 0, 1/2, 1, 2.
Save the cards. You will use these cards in Session 3.
As you make the Fraction Cards keep the following questions in mind. Write your reflections in the notebook.
What is the same and what is different about these two cards?
NOTE: Students are expected to quickly and accurately make partitions for halves, fourths and eighths, but to accurately partition the small blank whole squares into thirds or fifths can be challenging and distracting from the mathematical focus of the activity. When students make their cards they can choose from three kinds of wholes available: blank wholes, blank thirds and blank fifths to make their fraction cards. Students may struggle with these ideas at first. For example when students are asked to divide a rectangular area into thirds they sometimes make one of these two errors.
Student A made three unequal sized pieces
Student B cut off part of the whole in order to make the pieces equal; while the three pieces are equal they do not add up to the origianl sized whole.
Students need to have many experiences creating fraction representations in order to support their understanding of fraction concepts and notation.
“A fourth grader was making Fraction Cards for 3/4 and 5/6 and said that she noticed that they both have ‘one piece missing’ so they must be the same size.” Do you agree with that?
Justify your thinking in your notebook.
Note: This idea (the smaller the piece missing, the larger the fraction) is not a rule we want students to memorize. Rather, the idea is connected to the visual representations they have created so that they can reason through this comparison.
In this activity you will:
Look at the fractions on the number line and answer the following questions.
Imagine two ants are traveling along this number line. Ant A traveled 1/3 the distance from 0 to 2. Ant B traveled 2/3 the distance from 0 to 2.
Imagine ants C and D are traveling along this number line. Ant C traveled 1/3 the distance from 0 to 2. Ant D traveled 1/6 the distance from 0 to 2.
Examining fractions using area representations models is useful. However, reliance on part-whole alone leaves how fractions are related to whole numbers unclear. The number line illustrates fractions as numbers. One of the Common Core standards for third grade students is to understand a fraction as a number on the number line. Using number lines, students learn that:
In the final field of your notebook, reflect on the key take-aways from this session for your own learning and record ideas that you want to remember and/or try with students.
3.NF.A.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
3.NF.A.2 Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram.
3.NF.A.3 Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size.
4.NF.A.1 Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.
Mathematical Practices Chart
Standards for Mathematical Practice: Commentary and Elaborations for K–5
Complete the Session 2 Notebook page using the indicated prompts.
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