In this session you will consider contexts and representations that support understanding the meaning of fractions; see how students’ everyday knowledge of fractions contributes to their fraction work at school, examine ideas and connections students are making as they work with fractions, and work with unit fractions.
Color pencils or markers
Handouts to print
Optional Online Resources
Apps for iPad:
Students enter school with their own fraction ideas. You will hear them say things like, “I got the smaller half” or, “I have the big half.” Watch and listen as young students share their ideas about a half.
Most students enter Kindergarten with ideas about fractions. Their ideas are grounded in personal experiences. They know what it means to share half a sandwich, half their toys, etc. In Kindergarten, they explore ways to build one shape with other shapes (e.g., a hexagon pattern block can be created with two trapezoid pattern blocks). The CCSS list fractions as a standard starting in first grade.
In this session you will read about and experience how first and second grade students explore the following ideas:
NOTE: By fraction terms and notation for first and second grade, we mean reading and writing fractions such as 1/2 and 2/3, not learning terms such as “numerator” and “denominator.” Although teachers may use the terms, students are not expected to use these terms at this stage.
Learning About Fractions from Parts of a Whole, Parts of a Group, Gr. 2
End–of–Unit Assessment from Parts of a Whole, Parts of a Group, Gr. 2
What is One Half? from Parts of a Whole, Parts of a Group, Gr. 2
Fourths: Same or Different? from Parts of a Whole, Parts of a Group, Gr. 2
The readings above are all published in Russell, S.J.; Economopoulos, K.; Wittenberg, L.; et al. Investigations in Number, Data, and Space®, Second Edition. Glenview: Pearson, 2012.
In this activity, you will:
Two More Fourths
Fold and Fold Again is a second grade activity from Investigations. You will use paper squares as one whole.
Fold one square in half using one straight line (fold). To make your fold more visible, trace over the fold line with a marker. Think of two other ways to fold the remaining two pieces of paper in half with one straight line. Make sure you have three different ways.
A horizontal fold and vertical fold are considered one way since they are congruent.
View the following screencast to see different ways students might fold their paper squares.
You are going to do the same thing using the following fourths. Using the fourths in Two More Fourths:
Respond to the following questions in your notebook.
Not all first and second graders will come to agreement about the equivalence of the different shaped fourths. For example, using the context of sandwiches, some students may see some of the pieces as “bigger” than others. This idea may be new to many students and they will revisit this idea in later grades.
In this activity, you will:
Pattern Blocks (real or virtual)
Print Materials
Optional Online Resources:
Apps for iPad:
Young students use pattern blocks to explore fraction names and relationships before using them as a tool to explore fractional ideas explicitly. They fill in puzzles and build designs with different pattern blocks. They often use fractional ideas and language to describe their work.
It is likely that you have worked with pattern blocks in the context of fraction work where the hexagon is identified as the whole and students are asked to find the fractional value of the other pattern blocks shapes. In this activity you are going to use the following design as one whole.
For this part of the activity, you will need pattern blocks and the Naming Fractional Amounts Chart to record your answers to the following questions.
Each of the pattern block fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/16, and 1/12 are unit fractions because the numerators are all equal to one. Students start by naming unit fractions to help them see the part-whole relationship and how those relationships are expressed in fraction notation and in spoken language. They use their knowledge of unit fractions to name fractions that involve more than one part of a whole.
Use pattern blocks to make and record the fractions listed on the Equivalent Fractional Amounts Chart.
Record your responses to the following question in your notebook.
View the video below to see an example of how one student filled in 1/4 and justified his reasoning.
Click the show link to see examples of relationships that students have noticed.
“All the ways to make 1 have the same number in the numerator as the denominator.”
“When I made 2/6 I used twice as many twelfths as sixths.”
“The top number in the fraction is the same as the number of pattern blocks.”
“I could’t make fourths using just sixths.”
Visualizing fraction equivalencies gives students mental images to draw upon when they are working with fractions and answering questions such as “Which is larger, 3/4 or 5/6?” or adding fractions such as 1 1/2 + 3/4, which are ideas you’ll come back to in upcoming sessions (Comparing Fractions and Adding and Subtracting Fractions).
In this activity you will:
Melissa and Andrew were building pattern block designs. Andrew made the following design and shared, “I made a hexagon with three pattern blocks. One-third of the pattern block design is green.” Melissa said, “I think your design is one-sixth green.” They continued to discuss and justify their thinking.
Respond to the following questions in your notebook.
Students use pattern blocks in the primary grades to explore geometric relationships. For example, they learn that two trapezoids equal one hexagon in the set of pattern block shapes. In later grades, they connect their early geometric experiences to their study of fractions concepts, equivalencies and operations.
It is likely that you are familiar with pattern block fractions when one hexagon equals one whole. If the hexagon is the whole then the trapezoid is equivalent to 1/2, the blue rhombus is equivalent to 1/3, and the triangle is equivalent to 1/6.
In other pattern block activities, such as the following activity, the whole is not determined by the yellow hexagon. These types of activities help students pay attention to the whole.
The following activity engages students in creating designs where they make a portion of the design a designated fraction. For this experience, the task is to build a design that is half yellow.
Pattern Blocks (real or virtual)
Determine if the design below is half yellow.
You may want to use pattern blocks to justify your thinking.
Students may mistakenly say that this design is 2/7 yellow because two out of 7 pieces are yellow. Or they may mistakenly say that this design is 1/3 yellow because yellow is one out of three colors used in the design. In the earlier discussion about 1/3 green, Andrew might have thought his design was 1/3 green because there were three pieces or possibly because there were three different colors. It is important for students to have conversations with others and for teachers to listen to student conversations about the fractional parts of their designs as they make sense of the fractional relationships of the whole design.
Read the following case of Mary and Tamara, Shifting understanding from one third of a discrete whole to one third of a group.
Note: This activity provides an opportunity for students to engage in discussions in which they justify how the size of a fractional part in their design (e.g., yellow hexagons), is determined by its relationship to the whole design; in other words, half of one design can be two hexagons and half of another different-sized design can be three hexagons or more.
In the final field of your notebook, reflect on the key take-aways from this session for your own learning and record ideas that you want to remember and/or try with students.
Remember to post early and return to the discussion forum throughout the week to read and respond to others’ posts.
K.G.B.6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. For example, “Can you join these two triangles with full sides touching to make a rectangle?”
1.G.A.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for these examples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares.
2.G.A.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and describe the whole as two halves, three thirds, four fourths. Recognize that equal shares of identical wholes need not have the same shape.
Mathematical Practices Chart
Standards for Mathematical Practice: Commentary and Elaborations for K–5
Complete the Session 1 Notebook page using the indicated prompts.
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