This session focuses on the operations of multiplication and division, and the ways in which Investigations supports students in developing an understanding of these operations, the relationship between them and developing fluency with them.
In this session you will:
In this activity, you will mentally solve two multiplication problems and think about how you used your knowledge about the numbers, place value, and the operation of multiplication.
Many students (and adults) need a great deal of practice before they feel comfortable thinking about and mentally solving problems. Establishing a supportive classroom environment encourages them to take risks even when they are hesitant to share their thinking. Ensuring that students have ‘think time’ is critical.
Click on each problem to complete the activity.
29 x 6
15 x 14
In this activity, you will look at activities from Investigations that support students in building an understanding of multiplication and division through the use of contexts and representations; consider the early strategies students use to solve multiplication problems; and think about the relationship between multiplication and division.
Counting by equal groups helps lay the foundation for the work students do in third grade and beyond as they build their understanding of the operations of multiplication and division. Second grade students make a shift from working with and counting by ones to working with and counting by groups.
An array is an arrangement of objects in equal rows and columns that form a rectangle. Students begin working with arrays in second grade both within a geometry context, when they examine the properties of rectangles that they construct using color tiles, and in the foundations of multiplication unit when they make Cube Buildings.
Students use connecting cubes to create arrays that represent cube buildings. Each cube represents one room, and each floor must have the same number of rooms as the floor below it.
Use the image of the cube building below to solve the following problem. You might want to use connecting cubes to model the problem. Record how you solved the problem.
A building has 3 rooms on each floor.
If the building has 5 floors, how many rooms are in the whole building?
If the building has 10 floors, how many rooms are in the whole building?
Think about how you solved this problem. Write an addition equation that represents the total number of rooms in the 10-floor building.
Read Equal Groups: Arrays and Multiplication which discusses how students might solve cube building problems.
Look at the following student work samples to see how second grade students solved the problem:
If a building has 10 floors and there are 3 rooms on each floor, how many rooms are in the whole building?
For each piece of student work consider:
Student A | Student B | Student C |
As students begin work on situations that involve multiplicative relationships it is helpful for them to work on these relationships in contexts. In this case, maintaining the connection between the context of rooms, floors and buildings, the physical model of the cube building and what is happening with the numbers can help students make sense of the different units, the number of groups (floors) and the number in each group (rooms) and their multiplicative relationship.
Connecting quantities and their relationships in a problem context is directly related to Math Practice 2: reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Read the Math Practices in this Unit essay from second grade about Math Practice 2, reason abstractly and quantitatively, to learn more about how students engage in this math practice as they work with the Cube Buildings context.
Third grade students continue to develop their understanding of the meaning of multiplication. This work begins with modeling and solving multiplication problems in familiar contexts.
After brainstorming contexts for things that come in equal-sized groups of 2 to 10, students use this information to write and solve multiplication problems.
Jot down some things that come in groups of 3. Then read the following problem about things that come in groups of three.
Tricycle Problem 1
Deondra noticed 7 children outside her house each riding a tricycle.
How many wheels are there altogether?
Watch and listen to the following slideshow to learn how students solve this problem at the beginning of third grade.
Consider the ways in which you could use the solutions to Problem 1 to help you solve the following problem:
Tricycle Problem 2
Another day, Deondra noticed 9 children riding tricycles.
How many wheels are there altogether?
Watch and listen to the following slideshow to learn some of the ways students might use the solution to the first problem to solve the second problem.
Students use similar contexts as they begin to work on division. They see how these operations are related: that they both involve equal groups, but that different things are known and unknown.
Look at the following Math Words and Ideas: Relating Multiplication and Division. Complete the Try It activity.
Early division strategies closely resemble early strategies for solving multiplication problems, and may include directly modeling the problem using cubes or pictures, skip counting, or using a known multiplication fact.
Read The Relationship Between Multiplication and Division to find out how students use the relationship between multiplication and division to solve problems.
In this activity, you will find all the factors of a number by making arrays; examine ways students use arrays and story problem contexts to represent and make sense of multiplication; and learn about the strategies students use in Investigations to solve multiplication problems.
Students use representations and contexts of multiplication and division to:
Read Images of Multiplication about some of the images and representations of multiplication that students encounter.
Material: 12 coins or similar objects
Third grade students solve “Arranging Chairs problems” as a context to construct the array model for multiplication. Use your coins or other 12 objects you collected to solve the following problem:
Imagine that the 12 coins are chairs and you need to arrange them in rows for an audience to watch a class play. You want to arrange the chairs so that there will be the same number in each row with no chairs left over.
As students work on Arranging Chairs problems for totals up to 30, they learn about factors and are introduced to the concepts of square numbers (a number with a square array, e.g., 16) and prime numbers (a number with only 2 arrays, e.g., 7 only has 2 arrays: 1 x 7 and 7 x 1).
Third and fourth grade students work with array cards and play a variety of games with them. Array cards have the array on one side with the dimensions and the product and one factor on the other side.
They use these cards to learn multiplication facts, to see how larger problems can be broken into smaller parts and to help them solve multiplication problems.
Read Representing Multiplication with Arrays about how students in Investigations use arrays to represent and make sense of multiplication.
Third and fourth grade students work on activities that involve covering larger array cards with two or more smaller array cards. As they do these activities they visually see how larger multiplication problems can be broken into smaller problems.
Material: print grid paper
How can this 6 x 9 array be broken into two smaller arrays? Use the grid paper to show several ways.
Watch the slideshow below to see possible solutions.
Play the following three array card games from third and fourth grade.
Consider:How does playing these games provide students with opportunities to learn multiplication facts, and see how multiplication problems can be solved by breaking the problems into smaller problems?
Students are expected to learn the multiplication facts to 10 x 10 by the end of third grade. They learn multiplication facts as they play games with array cards and solve multiplication problems. They also practice multiplication facts using multiplication cards like this one.
Throughout third grade, students work with these cards. They sort the cards into piles of facts they “just know” and facts they are “working on.” Then they look at each fact in their “working on” pile and think of a multiplication fact they already know as a clue. They record the related known fact on the bottom of each fact card - “Start with ________.”
Based on the ways that you saw to break apart the 6 x 9 array what are some possible "start with" clues a student might use to help them with this fact?
Read Learning Multiplication Facts to learn about how students work on multiplication facts in Investigations.
A major focus of fourth and fifth grade students’ multiplication and division work is developing and refining strategies for solving problems with 2-, 3- and 4- digit numbers. Keeping track of the parts of these problems by thinking of equal groups is critical for many students. Story contexts and visual representations help them do that.
One of the story contexts Investigations uses in fourth and fifth grade is teams and players. This simple context can help students visualize the multiplication and division in a problem, make sense of strategies and keep track of the parts when solving a problem.
Solve the following problem.
There are 29 teams in a tennis tournament.
Each team has 6 players.
How many tennis players are in the tournament in all?
Watch and listen as students share their solutions and later relate their solution to 29 x 6 back to the players and teams story problem context.
An unmarked array is an array without the grids marked in it. Students use unmarked arrays to help them solve multiplication problems, to represent their solutions, or to help them keep track of the parts of their solution. Watch how students represent their solutions to 6 x 29 on an unmarked array.
Read Multiplication Strategies to learn about the categories of strategies students use to solve multiplication problems.
Fifth grade students study the U.S. standard algorithm for multiplication and are expected to be able to use it, as well as other strategies, to solve multiplication problems. They begin studying the U.S. standard algorithm by comparing it to other strategies.
Watch the following: Math Words and Ideas: Comparing Multiplication Algorithms.
Read Studying the U.S. Standard Algorithms to learn about how the study of the U.S. standard algorithms is approached in Investigations.
Consider: How do the experiences in this activity help students develop meaning for the U.S. Standard Algorithm?
In this activity, you will examine the Ten-Minute Math Activity, Counting Around the Class, and reflect on how it connects division and multiplication; use a multiple tower to solve problems and relate skip counting work to how students build their understanding of multiplication and division; and examine student work for a division problem.
Understanding that multiplication and division are related operations is important for students to develop efficient and effective division strategies as laid out in the reading The Relationship Between Multiplication and Division, that you read in Activity 1. Many problem situations that we may view as division problems, can be solved using either multiplication or division – a student may view a problem as a multiplication problem with a missing factor, or a division problem with the quotient, or result, unknown.
The Ten-Minute Math activity, Counting Around the Class, provides students with practice counting by different numbers and reasoning about the relationships among factors and their multiples. This activity helps students connect skip counting to multiplication, connect multiplication and division equations to multiplicative situations, and supports students in learning multiplication facts. Students also use what they know about multiplication and division to find missing factors.
As you watch the video Counting Around the Class, pay particular attention to the questions the teacher asks as the students count.
Think about an imaginary class counting by 25.
How does this Ten-Minute Math activity help students see connections between division and multiplication?
Multiple Towers is a fourth and fifth grade activity. Students write the multiples of a chosen two-digit number on a roll of adding machine tape. They start from the bottom of the tape and work upward.
In this activity, students examine the relationship between multiplication and division. They focus their thinking on the 10th, 20, 30th (and so on) multiples of a number. Knowing how to find these multiples is useful when breaking apart multi-digit multiplication and division problems.
Multiple towers emphasizes reasoning about multiples as students notice patterns in their towers. Students use landmarks such as the 10th, 20th, 30th or 40th multiple in the sequence – to determine other multiples or factors.
Use the Multiples of 21 Tower below to solve the following multiplication and division problems.
Take a look at this partial Multiple Tower for 21. The 10th multiple of 21 (210) is indicated by an arrow.
How could you use the tower to solve the following problems?
5 x 21 = _____?
252 ÷ 21 = _____?
The 10th multiple is highlighted in blue. Before you solve the problems below, find the 20th, 30th, 40th multiples of 21.
How could you use the tower to solve the following problems?
15 x 21 = _____?
945 ÷ 21 = _____?
The multiples of 10 are indicated by an arrow.
How could you use the tower to solve the following problems?
31 x 21 = _____?
1029 ÷ 21 = _____?
Watch the following students solve multiplication and division problems using a Multiples of 21 Tower. Notice how the teacher probes the students’ thinking as they justify their solution and discuss connections between other students’ solutions.
“Classrooms that are rich in mathematical discourse and discussion are crucial for empowering young people. They are also high-risk for reproducing patterns of racism and marginalization.” (Ball, 2019, slide 11).
An important part of the Investigations curriculum, math discussions give students the chance to share strategies and math ideas, and to listen to and think critically about others’ ideas. They also provide an opportunity for collective thinking and learning. In what ways can math discussions positively or negatively effect students’ mathematical identities and sense of agency? In the video above, how did the way the teacher set up and facilitated the discussion promote students’ identities and sense of agency?
Ball, D. L. (April 2019). The power of teaching. Lead speaker presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ 2019 Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA [Power Point slides].
Consider: How can the work with Multiple Towers help students understand the relationship between multiplication and division and solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems?
Students use what they learn about the operation of division, the base-ten number system and the relationship between multiplication and division to develop and then become more efficient with strategies for solving division problems.
Solve this division problem from fifth grade. You may want to solve it in more than one way.
374 ÷ 12 =
Read Division Strategies, which discusses strategies students use when solving division problems.
Look at and analyze the following examples of student work. You may wish to review the DIET protocol for looking at student work to guide your analysis.
Consider for each student.
Does the student:
Student A | Student B | Student C |
In many ways, division is the culmination of work that elementary students do on whole numbers and their operations. For some students, it is also the hardest, and for good reason. To solve division problems accurately and efficiently, students need to be able to hold on to ideas about both numbers and operations, not just the operation of division but the other three as well.
In the Division Solutions Forum share one way you solved 374 ÷ 12, compare your solution to one of the students’ solutions (Student A, B or C). Once you’ve posted, take a look at other participants’ solutions in the forum.
Describe one new thought you had in this session regarding the use of contexts and representations in working with multiplication and division. How might that help you in your work with your students?
The readings above are all published in Investigations in Number, Data, and Space®, Third Edition. Glenview: Pearson, 2017.
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